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Chicken, Edamame & Ginger Soup Recipe

Chicken, Edamame & Ginger Soup Recipe

An aromatic Asian broth with chicken. Flavoured with sour tamarind and sweet tomatoes, ginger, lemongrass and lime leaf.

Serves 4



  • 200g white onions, chopped

  • 50g ginger, diced

  • ¼ tsp whole aniseed seeds

  • 60g brown basmati rice

  • 1.5 litres chicken stock

  • 45ml tamarind concentrate

  • 1 fresh lime leaf

  • 150g tinned chopped tomatoes

  • 130g cooked chicken breast, shredded

  • 140g edamame, defrosted

  • 100g yellow pepper

  • 100g red pepper

  • Salt and pepper


  1. Put the onions, ginger, aniseed, rice, chopped tomatoes, tamarind, lime leaf and chicken stock in a pan with the lid on and bring to a simmer.

  2. Reduce the heat and leave for around 35 minutes until the rice is properly cooked.

  3. Remove the lid and simmer for a further 5 minutes as you add in the chicken, edamame and peppers.

  4. Season well and serve.

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