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Pret App Employee Privacy Notice

Version 2.0 – Last updated November 2023

1. Who we are

1.1 We are the Pret A Manger Group (that's who we mean by " Pret", "we, "us" or "our"). The Pret a Manger Group consists of affiliated companies of Pret A Manger (Europe) Limited, registered in England and Wales with company number 01854213. Our registered office is at 75b Verde, 10 Bressenden Place, London, England, SW1E 5DH.

1.2 Pret has been offering freshly prepared, delicious food and organic coffee for over 30 years. Pret cares about your privacy and is committed to processing your personal information fairly and transparently and in accordance with all applicable data protection laws, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (including, from 1 January 2021, the General Data Protection Regulation as transposed into domestic UK law) (together "Data Protection Law"). Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. If after reading this Privacy Notice you still have questions feel free to drop us a line by using the contact details set out at section 12 below and our customer services team will be happy to help.

1.3 For Pret employees, this notice should be read in conjunction with the Pret a Manger Employee Privacy Notice

1.4 For the purpose of Data Protection Law, the data controller is Pret A Manger (Europe) Limited of 75b Verde, 10 Bressenden Place, London, England, SW1E 5DH.

2. What type of information is collected from you?

2.1 This notice covers all Pret employees, Pret franchise employees, partners of Partners in Pret, and any other beneficiary of the Pret employee discount or Club Pret offer (“you”).

2.2 We collect personal information about you when you use our websites including and (the/our "Website") or any mobile app we release from time to time (we refer to both of these as the "Website" in this policy because they process personal data in the same way), visit one of our Pret shops or otherwise interact with us via other channels such as social networks, email or via our contact centre.

2.3 We collect information that you provide to us or is automatically collected when setting up an account, logging in to our free WiFi, communicating with us, making enquiries, completing any surveys or our Partnership Application Form or visiting/using our Website or app. This includes your name, username, password, address, date of birth, email address, telephone number, location, social media profile information (where you reach out via social media such as Facebook or Twitter) and content of your communications. We also collect transaction information from when you make a purchase including your payment credit card information and the products you buy. This also includes profile information such as the Pret products and services you like, your preferred Pret shop and/or the times you prefer to visit us.

2.4 We collect the employee information stored in your Workday employee account and use this to provide you with access to your employee discount and Club Pret via the Pret mobile app. Your account will be automatically created using the information within your employee profile including your name, employee ID, job location, job title, photograph, personal email address and personal phone number.

2.5 We collect the information of Pret franchise employees and partners of Partners in Pret from your franchisee or Pret representative and use this to provide you with access to your employee discount and Club Pret via the Pret mobile app. Your account will be automatically created including your name, job location, job title, photograph, personal email address and personal phone number.

2.6 When you use our WiFi network available in our shops we also generate a device ID in addition to your email address and name. This device ID is used to collect anonymous usage data including visit frequency, how many shops the device visits and how long has been spent in each shop.

2.7 Other personal data can be collected automatically, for example your browsing or shopping activity. We may also log general information about your browser or device whenever you visit our Website. This information may include your computer’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, your browser type and version, the pages you visit on our Website, the time and date of your visit, and the time spent on each page. Like most website operators, we collect this data to better understand how our visitors use our services, and how we may improve your experience of our Website in future. Some of this data may be obtained automatically using cookies and certain types of cookies can be opted out of using our consent management platform – please refer to our Cookies Policy for more information.

2.8 In specific instances, we may need to collect additional data for the purposes explained to you at that time.

3. Information that we receive from other people

3.1 We work closely with third parties (including, for example sub-contractors in technical and delivery services, distributors of Pret Joy at Home products, advertising networks, online analytics providers, data enrichment providers and search information providers) who may collect personal information from you and pass it on to us. Where this is the case, the relevant third party is responsible for notifying the details of the same to you and for obtaining the relevant consents from you (as necessary) to ensure you are happy with the ways in which your personal data will be used. Data we obtain from data enrichment providers has been collected from publicly available records such as the electoral roll, or with your consent, from surveys or other brands and companies that you interact with.

4. How is your information used and what is the legal basis for this use?

4.1 We process your information for the following purposes:

4.1.1. To fulfil a contract, or take steps linked to a contract: this is relevant where you make a purchase from us or enter a competition we run. This includes:

  • setting up and administering your Pret account;

  • administering and allowing you to claim your Pret employee discount and Club Pret

  • administering our loyalty scheme and allowing you to claim loyalty stars and rewards (please refer to our Pret Account T&Cs);

  • administering our subscription offering and allowing you to redeem drinks against this subscription (please refer to our Employee Club Pret T&Cs);

  • administering our gift card for subscriptions offering;

  • for the management of our refer a friend scheme, to communicate with the referrer and to monitor the effectiveness of this offer;

  • to process and fulfil any orders, subscriptions or other purchase made in-store, online and via our delivery service;

  • to communicate with you about your orders, subscriptions or purchase you have

    made and provide customer service;

  • to communicate with you if you have opted in to marketing communications about Pret products, services and offers that may be of interest to you;

  • to process your payments;

  • to verify your identity;

  • to process any entries that you make into competitions run by us;

4.1.2. As required to conduct our business and pursue our legitimate interests, in particular:

  • to communicate with you about Pret products, services and offers that may be of interest to you and to display our advertisements to you on other platforms (e.g. on Google and Meta’s platforms);

  • to provide products and services you have requested and for customer services purposes to respond to any comments or complaints you send us;

  • to help us better understand our customer base, so that we may continuously improve our products and services and personalise your experience online and in our shops;

  • to provide you with access to our free WiFi in our shops;

  • where necessary, to notify you about changes to our services or our Website;

  • to provide you access to our Website, to administer it and for internal operations;

  • to keep our Website and other Pret systems safe and secure;

  • to improve your user experience, by ensuring that content is presented in the most effective manner;

  • to better understand our customers, how often they come to and how long they spent in our shops, Website and use other Pret services;

  • for market research purposes - so that we can understand your needs better;

  • for safety and security purposes using CCTV in our shops;

  • for customer services purposes - so that we can talk and interact with you;

  • to process a job application and where we have a legal right or duty to use or disclose your information (for example in relation to an investigation by a public authority or in a legal dispute);

  • to monitor the usage of your Pret employee discount or Club Pret membership within the limits of the Pret Employee Discount Policy;

  • to enforce or apply our website terms of service and any other agreement or protect

    the rights, property, or safety of Pret, customers, employees, contractors or others

4.1.3. Where you give us your consent:

  • we send you marketing communications, for example via email, push notification or SMS about relevant Pret products, services and offers that we believe are of interest to you, or other products and services provided by us and our affiliates.

  • we may send messages to your device using mobile notifications based on your app use, geolocation or through use of near field communication (NFC) setup. We place cookies and use similar technologies to personalise your experience on our Website and offer you products and services tailored to your interests in accordance with our cookies notice and the information provided to you when those technologies are used

  • on other occasions where we ask you for consent, we will use the data for the purpose which we explain at that time.

4.1.4 We also process information relating to you and your online behaviour less directly by:

  • combining data you provide to us with other data (such as transaction data from our till and vouchering system) to help personalise any marketing and communications that you have consented to receive;

  • sharing data you provide to us with data enrichment providers so that they can cross-check this data with any personal data they may hold about you. If there is a match, we collect and store this additional information to help personalise any marketing, communications and services you have consented to receive. Please note that data enrichment providers will never keep your data shared by us or share it with any third parties; and

  • tracking your interaction with our website or digital platforms across devices, including using cookies (in accordance with our Cookie Policy) in order to provide better service to you on our website and digital platforms, to market our products and services where we have appropriate consents to do so; and to prevent fraudulent use.

4.1.5 For purposes which are required by law:

  • responding to court orders, subpoenas or other legal processes with which Pret is required to comply;

  • for crime and fraud prevention, detection and related purposes.

4.2. In certain circumstances, some of the above grounds for processing will overlap and there will be several grounds which justify our use of your personal information.

4.3 Where we process personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests, then - as required by data protection law - we have carried out a balancing test to document our interests, to consider what the impact of the processing will be on individuals and to determine whether individuals interests outweigh our interests in the processing taking place. You can obtain more information about how this balancing test is conducted by using the contact details at the end of the notice.

4.4 You aren't always required to give us your personal data, but where we need to collect or process your personal data by law, or under the terms of a contract we have with you, and you fail to provide that data when requested (or fail to consent to the processing of that data, if necessary), we may not be able to perform the agreement or arrangement we have or are trying to enter into with you, or provide you with certain goods and services.

5. With whom do we share your information?

5.1. Third Party Service Providers working on our behalf

In order to make certain services available to you, we may pass your information to our third-party service providers, agents and subcontractors. These include IT, WiFi, Website hosting, delivery, data enrichment providers and marketing service providers and payment processors (for example, to process deliveries and send you your order confirmation). Pret currently uses Braze, Inc. and Acteol Support Services Limited to send out marketing and transactional messaging.

When you use Club Pret, you authorise your mobile service provider to use or disclose information about your account and your wireless device, if available, to Pret or its service provider for the duration of your business relationship, solely to help them identify you or your mobile device and to prevent fraud.

5.2 Third Party partners

Subject to your marketing preferences, we share information with social media platforms, in order to show our ads to you on these platforms. For example, we provide Google with profiles of our customers, which Google then matches with those customers’ Google accounts, and displays our ads to them when using certain Google platforms (such as YouTube, Gmail, Search). You have the right to opt out of this activity: to exercise this right, contact us using the contact details under section 11 below.

If you have consented, we allow carefully selected third parties, including marketing and advertising companies, or our business partners, to contact you occasionally about services that may be of interest to you. They may contact you by telephone, post, SMS as well as by e-mail. We also share your information with third party delivery providers and employ third-party companies and individuals to help us analyse and reach out to customers or potential customers (for example, analytics providers, content partners; and social media partners such as Meta).

5.3 Third Party Providers we work with

Pret works closely with our third party suppliers to bring you high quality services and products. When you send us feedback or comment on any of our products or services we may need to share such feedback/comment with our relevant supplier(s). We may also share certain information in relation to your purchase history or shopping habits for the purpose of market research or product innovation.

5.4 Third Parties with whom we transact

If any of our businesses enter into a joint venture or franchise relationship with, purchase or are sold to or merge with another business entity, or in the unlikely event that we go out of business or enter bankruptcy, your information may be disclosed or transferred to the target company, our new business partners, administrators, or owners or their advisors.

5.5 Sharing to comply with legal obligations

We may use the information that you provide to us if we are under a duty to disclose or share your information in order to (a) comply with (and/or where we believe we are under a duty to comply with) any legal obligation; (b) enforce or apply our website terms of service and any other agreement; or (c) protect the rights, property, or safety of Pret, customers, employees, contractors or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and other organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and prevention, or where we have to carry out an internal investigation.

6 Your Rights

6.1. We will inform you through the presentation of this Privacy Notice (before collecting your information) if we intend to use your information for marketing, data enrichment or research purposes or if we intend to disclose your information to any third party for such purposes. Wherever we rely on your consent, you will always be able to withdraw that consent, although we may have other legal grounds for processing your data for other purposes. In some cases, we are able to send you direct marketing without your consent, for example where we rely on our legitimate interests and have collected your contact details in the course of a sales transaction. You have an absolute right to opt-out of direct marketing, including profiling we carry out for direct marketing, and data enrichment activities at any time. You can do this by following the instructions to unsubscribe in the relevant marketing communication, by changing your marketing preferences through our preference centre or by contacting us via the details set out in section 12 below. Please note that cancelling a service you have with us does not constitute a withdrawal of your consent to receive our marketing. Please follow the instructions above to unsubscribe. After withdrawing from marketing you may still receive service emails which are necessary for example to confirm your order or to update you any important changes to our Terms and Conditions. If you have previously opted in to receive marketing notifications through our mobile app, you can manage your preferences and opt out from push notifications or location services within your settings on your device or in the app preference centre.

6.2 It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes or if you become aware that any personal data that we hold about you is not accurate. You have the right to see the information we hold about you and to ask us to: (a) make changes to ensure that any information we hold about you is accurate and up to date; (b) erase or stop processing any information we hold about you where there is no longer a legal ground for us to hold it; or (c) in some cases, transfer any information we hold about you to a specified third party. In addition, you can object to the processing of your personal data in some circumstances (in particular, where we don’t have to process the data to meet a contractual or other legal requirement).

6.2.1. When you get in touch to exercise any of your rights, we will come back to you as soon as possible and within one month of your request or verification of your identity (if applicable). Please note that if your request is more complicated, it may take a little longer to process and the response deadline can be extended by two months of your request where necessary. There is no charge for most requests, but if you ask us to provide a significant amount of data we may ask you to pay a reasonable admin fee. We may also ask you to verify your identity before we provide any information to you to avoid any unauthorised disclosure of personal information.

6.2.2 These rights may be limited, for example if fulfilling your request would reveal personal data about another person, or if you ask us to delete information which we are required by law or have compelling legitimate interests to keep. We reserve the right to retain a record of your request in order to maintain appropriate records for our internal auditing. This information will be kept beyond use in a secure environment and will not be used for any other purposes than the management of data subject request management, the handling of legal claims or fraud prevention.

6.2.3 Should you have any queries or complaints in relation to how we use your information, please contact us via the details set out at section 11 below. Should you wish to take any complaints or queries further, you have the right to contact your local data protection regulator regarding such issues.

7. How do we protect your information?

7.1 It is of the utmost importance that we protect your personal data against unauthorised access, unlawful use, accidental loss, corruption or destruction. We use technical measures such as encryption and password protection to protect your data and the systems they are held in. We also use operational measures to protect the data, for example by limiting the number of people who have access to the databases in which purchase information is held. We constantly keep our security measures under review and refer to industry security standards to keep up to date with current best practice.

8. How long do we retain your information?

8.1 Where we process registration data, we do this for as long as you are an employee or active user of our sites and for 6 years after this.

8.2 Where we process personal data for marketing purposes or with your consent, we process the data until you ask us to stop and for a short period after this (to allow us to implement your requests). We also keep a record of the fact that you have asked us not to send you direct marketing or to process your data indefinitely so that we can respect your request in future.

8.3 Where we process personal data in connection with performing a contract, subscription or for a competition, we keep the data for 6 years from your last interaction with us.

9. Links to other websites

9.1 Our Website may contain links to other websites run by other organisations (for example, we use social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter). Pret’s Privacy Notice applies only to our Website and company‚ so we encourage you to read the privacy notices on the other websites you visit. We cannot be responsible for the privacy notices and practices of other sites even if you access them using links from our website.

10. Young people

10.1 Pret does not directly advertise to our young customers nor do we store data about them on a regular basis. However, our Pret Academy (which runs programmes for apprenticeships) and Pret’s Big Experience week are aimed at people who are aged between 16-18 years-old. To take part in these great opportunities Pret does need to gather some data about those young people, just like we would for a full Team Member. For example, we will need their name, address and telephone number. Pret collects and treats this data in compliance with Data Protection Laws and with the utmost care, applying very strict rules and scrutiny to those individuals that have access to it.

11. Cookies and other technologies

11.1 While we’re very proud of the delicious cookies we sell in our shops, this is about a different sort of cookie. The cookies we’re talking about here are the digital ones that our website uses in order to make your experience as enjoyable as if you were in one of our shops. For much more detail and information on how to manage your cookie settings please refer to our cookie policy.

11.2 We use OneTrust, LLC to manage your consent to the use of cookies and other tracking technologies across our Websites including the Pret App. If you choose not to consent to these tracking technologies, we will only track any behaviours in these environments in an anonymous way to enable us to monitor customer behaviours across the Website, however we will not be able to connect this data back to you directly as a customer.

12. Data Transfers

12.1 In addition to the data sharing described in section 5, the information that we collect from you may, where lawful, be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the UK, US or the European Economic Area ("EEA"). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the UK, US or the EEA who work for us or for one of our suppliers. This includes staff engaged in, among other things, the provision of support services. Where information is transferred outside the UK, US or the EEA, and where this is to a stakeholder or vendor in a country that is not subject to an adequacy decision by the UK or the EU Commission, data is adequately protected by EU Commission approved standard contractual clauses or a vendor's Processor Binding Corporate Rules.


13. Contact and Complaints

13.1 If you have any questions regarding the Pret app or your Club Pret subscription feel free to visit our contact page. This is also an ideal place to send us feedback and comments, you’ll always get a response from our lovely customer services team. Alternatively you can contact us dataprotection@pret,com or write to us at Data Protection, Pret A Manger Europe Limited, 75b Verde, 10 Bressenden Place, London, England, SW1E 5DH

13.2 Please note that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority which is responsible for the protection of personal data in the country where you live or work, or in which you think a breach of data protection laws might have taken place.

From time to time we may need to update our Privacy Notice. You can always find the latest version of the Privacy Notice on this page