Pret Evolves Pret Foundation Donation Stream
Pret A Manger joins Too Good to Go in a new trial as a new way to raise funds for The Pret Foundation and further reduce food waste
New 2.5 tonnes weekly fruit and vegetable donation by Pret to the Felix Project creates over 50,000 meals to vulnerable families each week this holiday season
Pret Foundation celebrates 25th year of helping alleviating poverty, hunger and homelessness in communities local to Pret shops
17th December 2020: Pret A Manger joins the Too Good to Go platform to redistribute food and reduce waste whilst diversifying and digitising donation streams for the Pret Foundation as part of a new trial. This will help to fund new charity initiatives like delivering over 2.5 tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables each week to the Felix Project to help tackle child food poverty.
Pret has joined Too Good to Go’s app, helping to bring an end to food waste across the UK. In the new trial from 10 shops, surplus hot meals will be available to purchase as low as £3 as part of a magic bag offering on the app. Pret will be donating 50% of the proceeds to the Pret Foundation as a way to diversify and digitise the foundations donations streams. The magic bag will consist of hot food items, which for health and safety travel restrictions could not be donated to local charities, also helping Pret create another way to reduce food waste.
While Pret continue to donate of 50p from every Christmas Lunch sandwich sold to the Pret Foundation, new funding opportunities will enable the Foundation to enhance current charity partnerships especially at a time of year when it is needed most.
This holiday season, Pret and the Pret Foundation have guaranteed a weekly donation over 2.5 tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables to The Felix Project in support of Marcus Rashford’s Child Food Poverty Taskforce. Over an eight-week period, Pret will provide the equivalent of 50,000 meals in fresh and healthy food, which will guarantee a stable supply of food for vulnerable children and families.
Clare Clough, Pret a Manger UK Managing Director said, “Pret has always been committed to tackling food waste. Over the past 25 years, this has most notably been done through the Pret Foundation’s daily work in getting our unsold food to those most in need across the country. We’re always looking for new ways to evolve the work we do as a business, and the Too Good To Go proposition bolsters our commitment to tackling food waste as well as opening up a new, digitally led revenue stream for the Pret Foundation.
“While this year has been unlike any other, we’re proud to have still been able to innovate new ways to raise donations for the Pret Foundation, work with local communities and vulnerable families and children to ensure steady stream of donations of healthier foods and to find new ways to end food waste.”
For the past 25 years Pret has been committed to helping alleviate poverty, hunger and homelessness and has donated unsold foods to local charities across the country every single day. In 2019 alone, the Pret Foundation donated over 6 million meals to the homeless globally and launched the Pret House which provides safe and comfortable accommodation to members on the Rising Stats programme, helping to provide employment to those who are currently homeless.
For more information on The Pret Foundation please contact