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We’re tackling hunger, poverty and homelessness around the world. We use our global reach to make a difference to the lives of people affected by homelessness, hunger and poverty. We make sure our surplus food reaches people who need it, offer financial support to charities and help to break the cycle of homelessness by providing training and employment opportunities at Pret.
Ukraine Employment Programme
Since launching in spring 2022 we have placed over 350 people through the Ukraine Employment Programme, supporting them with financial aid, mental health support and English language tuition alongside job opportunities at Pret. Many have progressed into roles such as baristas, hot chefs, team leaders with some training to become assistant managers. We care deeply and welcome everyone.
Reducing waste and hunger
We’ve always tried to reduce the waste from our shops. We take surplus food to shelters and give it to the people who need it most. For some, it’s their only meal of the day. We do it because it’s the right thing to do.
Shooting Stars
In 2015 we launched the Shooting Stars scheme. Each year eight of our Rising Stars take on an eight-month program of workshops and off-sites where they master additional skills to help climb the career ladder (whether that be within Pret or beyond).
Supporting charities
The Pret Foundation supports charities and projects working to help homeless people throughout the UK in communities local to Pret shops. Beyond food donation to shelters and hostels, we also support smaller charities with anything they need; from sleeping bags and kitchen equipment, to funding jobs that are crucial to keeping these much-needed organisations alive.
More about The Pret Foundation
Find out how your donation is spent, the difference we’ve made or how to get in touch with us by visiting our FAQ page.